GPSSグループ、ENEX2025で 最先端技術を紹介します
GPSSグループ(本社:東京都港区、共同代表:目﨑雅昭、倉田隆広)は、1月29日(水)~31日(金)に東京ビッグサイト(江東区)で開催される「ENEX2025 第49回地球環境とエネルギーの調和展」に参加します。GPSSグループは再生可能エネルギーなどを通じて、地域とともにサステナブル(持続可能)な社会づくりを目指します。今回の展示会でも、効率的な発電システムなどサステナブルな社会の実現に向けた新技術をご紹介します。
- 主な出展内容
ENEX 2025 第49回地球環境とエネルギーの調和展(ブース番号 2C-15):
2024年 4月 1日
倉田隆広 旧 代表取締役会長
.......................新 代表取締役社長
大野友史 旧 代表取締役社長
.......................新 取締役
代表取締役社長 倉田隆広
Notice of Change of Representative Director
Notice of Change of Representative Director
April 1st, 2024
GPSS Engineering Inc.
We would like to report the following personnel changes effective from April 1st.
Takahiro Kurata,
Former title: Representative Director and Chairman
New title: Representative Director
Tomofumi Ono,
Former title: Representative Director
New title: Director
Together with our executive officers, we will continue to devote ourselves to the development of the company's business, and we look forward to your continued support and patronage.
We would like to express our best wishes by publishing this on our website.
GPSS Engineering
Takahiro Kurata, Representative Director
2024年 3月 6日
【カーポート型太陽光発電設備概要】 | ||
ダイナックス 千歳工場 | ダイナックス 苫小牧工場 | |
設備所在地 | 〒066-0077 北海道千歳市上長都1053-1
〒059-1362 北海道苫小牧市柏原6-183
稼働開始日 | 2024/1/15 | 2024/1/22 |
設置容量(DC) | 1,006.02kW | 1,207.00kW |
PVモジュール数量 | 2,484枚 | 2,982枚 |
発電量(年間) | 1,028,231kWh | 1,113,228kWh |
CO2排出量削減見込(年間) | 674t | 730t |
カーポート型太陽光発電設備 外観(量面受光パネル採用)
GPSSグループとドイツのCYTOK GmbHが独占的パートナーシップに合意
GPSSグループとドイツのCYTOK GmbHが独占的パートナーシップに合意
2023年 5月 29日
地域に存在する未利用の水・風・熱などの自然の恵みを「コモンズ*」と捉え、「まず地域から」を合言葉に、ステークホルダーである地域コミュニティと共同でエネルギー供給事業を行い、社会をサステナブルにします。 (
ドイツのCYTOK GmbHは、革新的な技術を持つ企業であり、再生可能な資源からグリーンな電気、暖房、冷房を供給するPower-to-Gasエネルギーシステムの数少ないサプライヤーです。ドイツ北東部ロストック市で開発されたPower-to-Gas技術を用いた、排出ガスを出さない蓄電システムなど、世界的に特許を取得している技術を持っています。( )
この度、GPSSグループの一員であるGPSSエンジニアリング株式会社とCYTOK GmbHは、長期的なパートナーシップ契約を締結しました。
本契約により、両社は革新的で持続可能なプラント開発の分野で強みを発揮し、フィールドテスト済みの Power-to-Gasシステムを市場に提供する機会を手にしました。
CYTOKの代表取締役であるクラウス・シルマー(Klaus Schirmer)は、「私たちの住む地球を将来の世代に残すために、両社のノウハウを結集して気候変動に挑むことが互いの目的です」と述べています。
また、GPSSグループの共同代表である倉田隆広は「ドイツで既に実績のあるCYTOKの技術をアジアにおいて展開することで、世界に貢献していきたい。 」と述べています。
この革新的な技術を用いた初期のパイロットプロジェクトはすでに計画段階にあり、今後数ヶ月の間にさらなる協力関係によって 開始される予定です。
Cytok GmbH
GPSS Group, Japan, and CYTOK GmbH, Germany, agree on exclusive partnership
GPSS Group, Japan, and CYTOK GmbH, Germany, agree on exclusive partnership
Two innovative companies are sending a clear signal to strengthen Japanese-German economic relations. Through a cooperation agreement, they combine know-how, performance and market access and thus open up new markets.
May 29, 2023
GPSS Holdings Inc.
GPSS Group is a corporate group that aims to realize a sustainable society through energy supply business using sustainable resources such as solar, wind, small and medium-sized hydropower, geothermal, and biogas.
We consider untapped natural potentials such as water, wind, and heat in local communities as “commons*,” and under the slogan ” Beginning from the local community” we establish joint energy supply projects with communities to make society sustainable.(
*The term “commons” refers to resources that are the property of the entire society and should be maintained and managed together.
The German CYTOK GmbH is an innovative technology company and one of the few system suppliers for power-to-gas energy systems that deliver green electricity, heating and cooling from renewable sources. The globally patented technology includes an emission-free energy storage system that uses a power-to-gas technology developed in Rostock in northeastern Germany. (
GPSS Engineering Japan, a member of the GPSS Group, and CYTOK GmbH have agreed to form an exclusive partnership.
Following intensive and very trustful talks, the managing directors Tomofumi Ono of GPSS and Martin Weiss as well as Klaus Schirmer of CYTOK signed a strong and long-term partnership agreement. The agreement offers both partners the opportunity to combine their strengths in the field of innovative and sustainable plant development and thus to make field-tested power-to-gas systems available to the market.
“It is our mutual objective to set a strong signal in the fight against climate change with the combined know-how of both companies in order to keep our planet livable for future generations,” said the managing directors of CYTOK.
Takahiro Kurata, Co-CEO of the GPSS Group, said, “We would like to contribute to the world by expanding CYTOK’s technology, which is already in use in Germany, to Asia”.
CYTOK’s technology uses generated green electricity 100% decentralized on site, achieving a very high degree of utilization. This is made possible by the power-to-gas component, which enables the storage of large capacities of energy. The CYTOK system converts the green hydrogen generated in the first step without storage directly into green methane. This allows the use of existing and economical components from the natural gas technology without costly adaptations for hydrogen. This solution can be deployed immediately for the existing infrastructure and is redundant to the existing power and gas networks.
The CO2 required for methanation according to the Sabatier process is kept in a closed loop. It is captured and stored from the combustion of the self-generated methane and then used again and again in the production of methane. As a result, no CO2 emissions are produced despite the combustion of green natural gas. Furthermore, due to a special combustion process, no nitrogen oxides or fine dust are produced – the patented process is completely emission-free.
CYTOK’s sustainable energy solutions
GPSS will receive from CYTOK the exclusive right to market the patented technology in Japan, Taiwan and possibly later in other Asian countries. In addition, CYTOK will transfer its know-how and experience from the planning, installation, and commissioning of the complex plants to the new Japanese partner. GPSS thus has a unique selling point in the Asian region. In return, CYTOK receives a strong and reliable partner and, thanks to their excellent market knowledge and contacts in Asia, market access to a new mega market.
Initial pilot projects with the innovative technology are already in the planning phase and will be launched in further joint steps over the next few months.
Both companies are delighted with the new partnership and the opportunities it opens up for both of them.
GPSS Group
PR/Communication Group
Cytok GmbH
First in Japan! The GPSS Group Solar Sharing with Cacao Cultivation
News Release
January 27, 2021
First in Japan!
The GPSS Group Solar Sharing with Cacao Cultivation
The GPSS Group is a corporate group which invests in a wide range of power generation projects that produce sustainable energy, including solar, wind, small and medium-sized hydropower, geothermal, and biogas. Other business areas include project structuring, investment management, engineering, and energy resource research.
The GPSS Group, together with Local Landscape Co., Ltd. which grows cacao and manufactures and sells original chocolate, in Fukuchihara, Nago City, Okinawa Prefecture, has started a solar-sharing power generation business "Sustaina-Cacao".
Solar sharing, which enables both crop cultivation and solar power generation by placing solar panels on farmland, is attracting attention as a next-generation form of farmland utilization.
Since the start of the permit system for the agricultural land conversion in 2013, the recognition of this system has gradually increased, and various crops such as vegetables, rice (paddy rice), and fruits have been produced through solar sharing, but solar sharing with cacao cultivation is the first in Japan.
Masaaki Mezaki, the group's CEO, said, "Most cacao is grown in tropical regions. It is not well known how difficult it is to grow cacao in Japan, and that cacao is sensitive to direct sunlight. Located in the south of Japan, Okinawa is also blessed with a great deal of sunshine. Solar sharing with cacao cultivation in Okinawa is also a good fit because the solar panels provide shade”.
“Sustaina-Cacao” Solar Power Plant
Cacao is a fruit tree that grows in the hot and humid tropics between latitudes 20 degrees north and 20 degrees south across the equator (the so-called cacao belt). Okinawa is located at 26 degrees north latitude, slightly outside the cacao belt, but Local Landscapes is aiming to create people with well-being, communities, and chocolate through cacao cultivation unique to Okinawa through repeated trial and error.
GPSS Group sympathizes with Local Landscapes' idea of "contributing to the discovery of local resources, the creation of local industries, and ultimately the realization of a sustainable society through our own actions” and has decided to support OKINAWA CACAO with its own solar sharing know-how.
Group CEO, Mr. Mezaki said, "Encountering people like Mr. Kawai, the President of Local Landscapes, who is passionate about realizing a sustainable society, has led us to another new power generation business. We will continue to contribute to the realization of a sustainable society by providing our expertise to many people who share our goals.
The "Sustaina-Cacao" power generation has already delivered its energy to Okinawa via Okinawa Electric Power Company on August 11, 2020.
■Inquiry about this news release
PR team at GPSS Group
Attachment 1.
[GPSS Group's Solar Sharing]
The GPSS Group, using its own know-how, has already conducted solar sharing projects with grass cultivation in Shikabe and Mitsuishi in Hokkaido, and these two power generation facilities, like “Sustaina Cacao”, are managed and operated by Mirai Society Inc. which is a member of GPSS Group.
The Solar Power Plant in Shikabe
The Solar Power Plant in Mitsuishi
Attachment 2.
[OKINAWA CACAO at Valentine's World in Matsuya Department Store in Ginza]
The theme for Matsuya Ginza's Valentine's Day in 2021 is "Traveling Valentine".
Under the pandemic, you can't travel, so chocolates from all over Japan will be gathered under the concept of enjoying Valentine's Day as if you were "traveling".
OKINAWA CACAO, which will make its first appearance in a department store, will be exhibited as a sustainable chocolate.
Attachment 3.
[Overview of Sustaina-Cacao Power Generation Facility]
(1) Power plant name: Genka Fukujibaru Solar Power Plant
(2) Location: Fukujibaru, Genka, Nago City, Okinawa Prefecture
(3) Operator: GPSS Holdings Inc.
(4) Farm management: Mirai Society Inc.
(4) Rated output: Approx. 50 kW
(5) Annual power generation: Approx. 600 kW
(6) Start of power generation: August 11, 2020
(7) Facility design: GPSS Engineering Inc.
(8) Construction: Takunan Factory Co., LTD
Attachment 4.
[Stakeholder overview]
Local Landscape. Co., Ltd
Company name: Local Landscape. Co., Ltd
Representative: Kei Kawai
Establishment: March 28, 2016
Capital: 3 million yen
Headquarters: 555 Tagari, Ogimi-son, Kunigami-gun, Okinawa, Japan
Business: Cacao cultivation and research, chocolate production, and sixth industrialization business
Official website:
GPSSグループは、沖縄県名護市源河字福地原にて、カカオを栽培しオリジナルチョコレートを製造販売している(株)ローカルランドスケープ(取り扱いブランド名:OKINAWA CACAO)とともに、ソーラーシェアリングによる発電事業「サステなカカオ」を開始いたしました。
GPSSグループは、「地域資源の掘り起こし、地域産業づくり、ひいては持続可能な社会の実現に自らの行動で直接寄与する」というローカルランドスケープ社の考え方に共感し、自社のソーラーシェアリングのノウハウでOKINAWA CACAOを応援することとなりました。
GPSSグループ 広報室
GPSSグループでは、自社のノウハウを生かし、すでに 北海道の(しかべ)と三ツ石(みついし)にて、牧草の栽培とのソーラーシェアリング事業の実績があり、この二つの発電施設は「サステなカカオ」同様、グループ会社の「(株)みらい地域」が管理運営しています。
鹿部 太陽光発電所
三ツ石 太陽光発電所
【OKINAWA CACAOが松屋のバレンタインワールドに!】
百貨店初登場となるOKINAWA CACAOはサステナブルなチョコレートとして出展します。
(1)発電所名 : 源河福地原太陽光発電所
(2)設置場所 : 沖縄県名護市源河字福地原
(3)事業者 : GPSSホールディングス(株)
(4)農園経営 : (株)みらい地域
(4)定格出力 : 約50 kW
(5)年間発電量 : 約600kW
(6)発電開始日 : 2020年8月11日
(7)設備設計 : GPSSエンジニアリング(株)
(8)施工 : 拓南製作所(株)
会社名 :(株)ローカルランドスケープ
代表者 : 川合 径
設立 : 2016年3月28日
資本金 : 300万円
本社所在地 : 沖縄県国頭郡大宜味村字田嘉里555
事業内容 : カカオ栽培・研究、チョコレート製造、6次産業化事業
ホームページ :
Dry coolers to revolutionize cooling systems: GDI signs distributorship agreement with LU-VE Group
Press release
Jun 24, 2020
Geothermal Development & Investment Inc.
Dry coolers to revolutionise cooling systems:
GDI signs distributorship agreement with LU-VE Group
Geothermal Development & Investment Inc. (Head Office: Minato-ku, Tokyo; President: Tomofumi Ono; hereinafter ‘GDI’) has concluded a distributorship agreement with the Italian LU-VE Group (Head Office: Varese, Italy), which boasts a large share of the global market in the field of heat exchangers for industrial cooling, refrigeration and air-conditioning, and will begin providing dry coolers.
Dry cooler of LU-VE Group
■ Purpose of entering into the Distribution Agreement
GDI invests in geothermal power projects, creates, and operates geothermal power projects in collaboration with local communities, and designs and operates geothermal power plants. The company also imports and sells generators and various equipment from overseas.
This time, we have concluded a distributorship agreement with LU-VE Group, which allows us to provide dry coolers developed and manufactured by LU-VE Group as sales agents in Japan for geothermal development.
There are two types of cooling systems: air-cooled (dry coolers) and water-cooled. Although the water-cooled system has superior cooling performance and efficiency, there is a risk of the outbreak of Legionella and the burden of operating costs related to water management is an issue. At the same time, air-cooled systems have not been widely used in Japan, as they have lower cooling performance and efficiency.
However, LU-VE Group's innovative technologies have enabled us to achieve the equivalent performance and efficiencies in air-cooling systems as in hybrid water-cooling systems.
At present, many cooling systems in Europe are air-cooled. They are not limited to geothermal power generation, but are used in many industries, such as industrial waste heat power generation. We believe that the widespread use of air-cooled cooling towers will have an impact on the Japanese industry. GDI aims to transform Japanese cooling systems from water cooling to air cooling by promoting the use of air-cooled cooling towers with LU-VE Group that are superior in performance, efficient, easy to operate, and environmentally friendly. In addition, we will contribute to the realization of a sustainable society, which is the Group's philosophy.
■ About LU-VE Group
Since its founding in 1986, LU-VE Group has introduced new methods for devising and manufacturing refrigeration and air-conditioning products using industry-leading technologies. As one of the world's leading manufacturers of innovative technology and high-quality heat exchangers, the company is headquartered in Varese, Italy, and has manufacturing facilities in nine countries: Italy, China, the Czech Republic, Finland, India, Poland, Russia, Sweden, and the United States. It is an international company with sales companies in fourteen countries.
■ Stakeholder Overview
(1) LU-VE Group
Company Name : LU-VE Group
Head Office : Via Caduti della Liberazione, 53 21040 Uboldo - Varese - Italy
Website :
(2) Geothermal Development & Investment Inc.
Company Name : Geothermal Development & Investment Inc.
Representative : Tomofumi Ono
Established In : March 2015
Capital : 47 million yen
Head Office :〒105-0014 6th Floor, Shiba-Koen ND Bldg., 2-5-10 Shiba, Minato-ku, Tokyo
Businesses : Investments in geothermal power generation projects, etc.
Website :
■ Inquiries regarding this release
GPSS Public Relations Office
Email :
TEL :03-6435-2391
[GPSS Group]
Based on the corporate philosophy of ‘Realizing a Sustainable Society by Utilizing Sustainable Energy,’ GPSS Group, develops, arranges, and invests in power generation projects using sustainable energy.
株式会社地熱開発がLU-VE Groupと販売代理店契約を締結
株式会社地熱開発(本社:東京都港区、代表取締役:大野 友史 、以下「地熱開発」)は、熱交換、冷却及び空調分野で世界的に高いシェアを誇るイタリアのLU-VE Group(本社:イタリア、ヴァレーゼ)と販売代理店契約を締結し、空冷式冷却塔の提供を開始いたします。
LU-VE Groupの空冷式冷却塔
この度のLU-VE Groupとの販売代理店契約締結は、LU-VE Groupが開発・製造する空冷式冷却塔について、地熱開発が日本国内において販売代理店として提供することができるというものです。
他方で、従来から空冷式は冷却性能・効率において水冷式には及ばず、日本では普及が進んでいないのが現状です。しかし、今日ではLU-VE Groupの革新的技術開発を通じて、空冷式でも水冷式に近い性能、効率を発揮することができるようになりました。
私たち地熱開発は、性能・効率に優れかつ運用が容易で環境にも配慮されたLU-VE Groupの空冷式冷却塔を普及させることにより、日本の冷却システムを「水冷」から「空冷」に変革させることを目指しております。ひいては、グループ理念である持続可能な社会の実現に貢献してまいります。
■LU-VE Groupについて
LU-VE Groupは、1986年に創立後、今では業界水準となった先駆的な技術を用いて、冷凍・空調製品を考案および製造する新しい方法の導入を行いました。同社は、革新的な技術と高い品質を保つ熱交換器分野における世界的主要メーカーとして、イタリアのヴァレーゼに本社を置き、イタリア、中国、チェコ共和国、フィンランド、インド、ポーランド、ロシア、スウェーデン、米国の9か国に製造施設を備えている他、14か国に販売会社を持つ国際企業です。
(1) LU-VE Group
会社名 : LU-VE Group
本社所在地 : Via Caduti della Liberazione, 53 21040 Uboldo - Varese - Italy
ホームページ :
2) 株式会社地熱開発
会社名 :株式会社地熱開発
代表者 :代表取締役 大野 友史
設立 :2015年3月
資本金 :47百万円
本社所在地 :〒105-0014
東京都港区芝2丁目5番10 芝公園NDビル6階
事業内容 :地熱発電プロジェクトへの投資等
ホームページ :
GPSSグループ 広報室
TEL :03-6435-2391