地熱開発、Nanjing TICA Thermal Technologyと販売代理店契約を締結
地熱開発、Nanjing TICA Thermal Technologyと
株式会社地熱開発(本社:東京都港区、代表取締役:大野 友史 、以下「地熱開発」)は、中国大手空調メーカーTICA GroupのNanjing TICA Thermal Technology Co., Ltd.(本社:中国南京市、代表:Jiang Li、以下「Nanjing TICA Thermal Technology」)と販売代理店契約を締結し、EXERGY International Srl(本社:イタリアのヴァレーゼ、代表:Jiang Li、以下「EXERGY社」)のバイナリー発電機(*1)の提供を開始いたします。
(*1) バイナリー発電とは、水より沸点の低い媒体 (代替フロン、シリコンオイル等)に熱交換することで、 気化した媒体でタービン等を回転させ発電する方式。 熱源系統と媒体系統の2つの熱サイクルを利用して発電することから、バイナリー発電と言われ、このサイクルをORC(オーガニック・ランキン・サイクル)と呼びます。
2019年9月25日、Nanjing TICA Thermal TechnologyがEXERGY社を買収したことにともない、買収以前からNanjing TICA Thermal Technologyとパートナー関係にある地熱開発がEXERGY社の発電機を取り扱うことになりました。
以前より地熱開発は、米国のエレクトラサームのバイナリー発電機(75kW、120kW)と、中国のNanjing TICA Thermal Technologyのバイナリー発電機(280kW)を取り扱ってまいりました。今回、イタリアのEXERGY社(1MW-28MW)が加わることにより小型、中型、大型のすべてのバイナリー発電に対応できる日本唯一の企業になります。地熱開発はこの強みを生かし、地熱や未利用熱発電の一層の普及を促進させ、持続可能な社会の実現に貢献してまいります。
会社名 :EXERGY International Srl
代表者 :Jiang Li
設立 :2011年
資本金 :5,010,000.00 Euro
本社所在地 :Via Santa Rita, 21057, Olgiate Olona (VA), Italy
事業内容 :Organic Rankine Cycle(ORC)の研究開発、製造
ホームページ :http://exergy-orc.com/
(2) 株式会社地熱開発
会社名 :株式会社地熱開発
代表者 :代表取締役 大野 友史
設立 :2015年3月
資本金 :47百万円
本社所在地 :〒105-0014
東京都港区芝2丁目5番10 芝公園NDビル6階
事業内容 :地熱発電プロジェクトへの投資等
ホームページ :https://www.chinetsu.com/
(3) TICA
会社名 :Nanjing TICA Thermal Technology Co., Ltd.
代表者 :Jiang Li
設立 :2016年
資本金 :100 million USD
本社所在地 :No. 6, Hengye Road,
Economic and Technological Development Zone, Nanjing, China.
事業内容 :Organic Rankine Cycle(ORC)の研究開発、製造、
ホームページ :http://global.ticachina.com/en/
GPSSグループ 広報室
TEL :03-6435-2391
GDI and TICA Thermal to supply medium-and large-scale EXERGY binary generators
Press Release
May 20, 2020
Geothermal Development & Investment Inc.
GDI and TICA Thermal to supply
medium-and large-scale EXERGY binary generators
Geothermal Development & Investment Inc. (Head Office: Minato-ku, Tokyo, President: Tomofumi Ono, hereinafter referred to as ‘GDI ‘) has signed a distributor agreement with TICA Thermal of TICA Group, a major Chinese air-conditioning manufacturer, for medium and large binary generators *1 from EXERGY International Srl (hereinafter referred to as ‘EXERGY’).
Binary generator of EXERGY
※ 1: Binary power generation is a system in which heat is exchanged to a medium with a boiling point lower than that of water (CFC substitute, silicon oil, etc.), and the turbine, etc. is rotated by a vaporized medium to generate electric power. It is said to be binary power generation because it generates power using two thermal cycles, a heat source system and a medium system, and this cycle is called ORC (Organic Rankine Cycle).
■ Background to distributorship agreement
GDI invests in geothermal power projects, creates, and operates geothermal power projects in collaboration with local communities, and designs and operates geothermal power plants. The company also imports and sells generators and various equipment from overseas.
Recently, the acquisition of EXERGY by TICA Thermal has resulted in the expansion of its product scope, enabling TICA Thermal to offer medium and large ORC power systems (binary generators) from 1MW to 28MW per unit to the market.
This conclusion of a dealer contract with TICA Thermal means that GDI will be an authorized distributor in Japan for binary generators developed and manufactured by EXERGY.
■ Distribution Agreement contents
The binary generators handled so far by GDI were U.S. Electratherm (75kW, 120kW) and Chinese TICA (280kW). However, with the addition of EXERGY (1MW-28MW), GDI will be the only Japanese company that can handle all the types of binary power generation: small, medium, and large. GDI will take advantage of this strength to promote the further dissemination of geothermal and unused industrial waste heat power generation and contribute to the realization of a sustainable society.
■ About EXERGY
With its technological capabilities and high level of adaptability, EXERGY ranks third in the world in binary generators, with a total installed capacity of more than 470MW.
EXERGY's core strength comes from its unique, multistage, highly efficient Radial Outflow Technology (ROT), which can achieve efficiencies of up to 30%, the world's highest level for binary generators. With its unique ROT technology, EXERGY has developed 2 pressure level vapor application with single turbine disk, offering up to 20% more power than other technology. Besides, a distinctive and patented design of built-in mechanical group that is intended to maintain longer life of bearing can significantly reduce downtime of system, offering higher availability year-round.
Although a few types of refrigerants are normally used, EXERGY have used 11 different types of refrigerants in its projects, while keeping testing new fluids for future utilization. This has enabled us to accommodate temperatures ranging from 90°C to 350°C, from a variety of applications, including geothermal power generation, factory waste heat power generation, biomass power generation, and solar thermal power generation.
■ Stakeholder Overview
Company Name : EXERGY International Srl
Representative : Jiang Li
Established In : 2011
Capital : 5,010,000.00 Euro
Head Office : Via Santa Rita, 21057, Olgiate Olona (VA), Italy
Businesses : EXERGY was founded by Claudio Spadacini and in 2011 became a subsidiary of the Italian Maccaferri Industrial Group that backed its growth year on year allowing EXERGY to achieve an ORC fleet of 400 MWe worldwide in less than a decade. In 2019 EXERGY started a new course being acquired by China’s Nanjing TICA Thermal Technology Co. Ltd. With this new strategic alliance EXERGY is today able to offer the global market a vast and competitive range of clean-technologies and green power generation solutions.
Website : http://exergy-orc.com/
(2) Geothermal Development & Investment Inc.
Company Name : Geothermal Development & Investment Inc.
Representative : Tomofumi Ono
Established In : March, 2015
Capital : 47 million yen
Head Office : 105-0014 Shibakoen ND Building 6F, 2-5-10 Shiba, Minato-ku, Tokyo
Businesses : investment in geothermal power generation projects, etc.
Website : https://www.chinetsu.com/en/company.html
(3) TICA
Company Name: Nanjing TICA Thermal Technology Co., Ltd.
Representative : Jiang Li
Established In : 2016
Capital : 100 million USD
Head Office : No. 6, Hengye Road, Economic and Technological Development Zone, Nanjing, China.
Businesses : TICA Thermal, established in 2016 as a member of TICA Group, is dedicated to thermal energy utilization using Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) technology. It focuses on ORC research & development, manufacturing, after sales service, investment, and energy management services etc.
Website : http://global.ticachina.com/en/
■ Inquiries regarding this release
GPSS Public Relations Office
Email : pr@gpss.jp
TEL : 03-6435-2391
[GPSS Group]
Based on the corporate philosophy of ‘Realizing a Sustainable Society by Utilizing Sustainable Energy,’ GPSS Group, develops, arranges, and invests in power generation projects using sustainable energy.
GPSSエンジニアリング株式会社(本社:東京都港区、代表取締役:フィリップ リチャーズ、以下「GPSS」)は、三光株式会社(本社:鳥取県境港市、代表取締役社長:三輪 昌輝、以下「三光」)と、島根県松江市「三光バイナリー発電所施設」にてバイナリー発電機PC280の導入を進め、竣工式を3月27日(金)に執り行いました。バイナリー発電機(*1)PC280(*2)は、既に国内外の地熱発電や海外の産業排熱では実績がありますが、今回は国内で初となる産業排熱発電用として導入されました。
(*1) バイナリー発電とは、水より沸点の低い媒体 (代替フロン、シリコンオイル等)に熱交換することで、 気化した媒体でタービン等を回転させ発電する方式。 熱源系統と媒体系統の2つの熱サイクルを利用して発電することから、バイナリー発電と言われ、このサイクルをORC(オーガニック・ランキン・サイクル)と呼びます。
(*2) PC280とは、中国大手空調メーカーTICAが製造するバイナリー発電機。国内では株式会社地熱開発が輸入代理店です。PC280に関する製品詳細は、株式会社地熱開発ホームページに掲載の「技術・製品情報」をご参照ください。URL:https://www.chinetsu.com/products/
(1)発電所名 : 三光バイナリー発電所施設
(2)設置場所 : 島根県松江市
(3)事業者 : 三光株式会社
(4)定格出力 : 280 kW
(5)年間発電量 : 約160万kWh
(6)発電開始日 : 2020年3月27日(金)
(7)設備設計・施工 : GPSSエンジニアリング株式会社
■ バイナリー発電機PC280導入の背景と今後の展望
三光では、既に「三光バイナリー発電所施設」にて、廃棄物焼却炉排熱を利用した発電システムを導入していましたが、そのシステムから排出される熱エネルギーは、未だ回収の余地がある状態でした。今回、バイナリー発電機PC280 とそのシステムと直列に設置することで、未回収分の熱エネルギーを利用した発電を行うことが可能となります。結果、CO2排出量の削減に繋がるものと期待しております。
GPSSは、国内の地域資源を活用するサステナブルエネルギー(以下「サスエネ」)発電に関わる事業を行い、サスエネによる電力コストが既存の電力のコスト以下になる「グリッド・パリティ(Grid Parity)」を達成することで、真に持続可能な社会(Sustainable Society)を実現することを理念として掲げています。
(1) 三光株式会社
会社名 : 三光株式会社
代表者 : 三輪 昌輝
設立 : 1979年9月
資本金 : 48百万円
本社所在地 :〒684-0034
事業内容 :廃棄物の収集運搬・中間処理をワンストップで行う総合環境事業
ホームページ :https://sankokk-net.co.jp/
(2) GPSSエンジニアリング株式会社
会社名 :GPSSエンジニアリング株式会社
代表者 :代表取締役 フィリップ リチャーズ
設立 :2012年10月
資本金 :1億円
本社所在地 :〒105-0014
東京都港区芝2丁目5番10 芝公園NDビル6階
事業内容 :持続可能エネルギーに係るEPC・O&M・技術開発
ホームページ :https://gpss.jp/engineering/
(1) 三光株式会社
Email :etcmail@sankokk-net.co.jp
TEL :0859-44-5367
(2) GPSSグループ 広報室
Email :pr@gpss.jp
TEL :03-6435-2391
“Sanko Binary Power Plant” in Matsue, Shimane Prefecture: construction completed in March 2020
Press Release
April 27, 2020
SANKO Co., Ltd.
GPSS Engineering Inc.
“Sanko Binary Power Plant” in
Matsue, Shimane Prefecture: construction completed in March 2020
- First example ofa PC280 binary generator used for industrial waste heat power generation in Japan.
GPSS Engineering Inc. (Head Office: Minato-ku, Tokyo, CEO: Phillip Richards, ‘GPSS’) and SANKO Co., Ltd. (Head Office: Sakaiminato City, Tottori Prefecture, President & CEO: Masaki Miwa, ‘SANKO’) held the opening ceremony for the "Sanko Binary Power Plant" in Matsue City, Shimane Prefecture on Friday, 27th March. This is the first time the binary generator*1 PC280*2 will be used for industrial waste heat power generation in Japan (other cases exist overseas). Currently, both in Japan and overseas, this generator is being used for geothermal power generation.
*1 Binary power generation is a system in which heat is exchanged with a fluid medium with a boiling point lower than that of water (CFC substitute, silicon oil, etc.). The vaporized medium rotates a turbine to generate electric power. It called binary power generation because it generates power using two thermal cycles, a heat source system and a medium system. The cycle is called the ORC (Organic Rankine Cycle).
*2 PC280 is a binary generator manufactured by major Chinese air-conditioning manufacturer, TICA. Geothermal Development & Investment Inc. is the Japanese import agent. For more information on PC280 products, refer to "Technical and Product Information" on Geothermal Development & Investment Inc. website. URL:https://www.chinetsu.com/products/
Sanko Binary Power Plant Facility
[Outline of Sanko Binary Power Station]
(1) Power Station Name : Sanko Binary Power Plant
(2) Location : Matsue City, Shimane Prefecture, Japan
(3) Company : SANKO Co., Ltd.
(4) Rated output : 280 kW
(5) Annual power generation : Approx. 1.6 million kWh
(6) Start of power generation : March 27, 2020
(7) Facility Design/Construction: GPSS Engineering Inc.
Binary generator PC280
■ Background and Future Prospects for the introduction of Binary Generator PC280
SANKO already had a power generation system that uses waste heat from the waste incinerator at the site. However, even after passing through the first generator there was still ample recoverable thermal energy in the system. Utilizing that heat, the PC280 binary generator system will be installed in series with the existing generator, thus maximizing the thermal recourse and leading to a reduction in CO2 emissions.
SANKO actively contributes to the local community and the wider environment by introducing and examining the use of a wide variety of renewable energies in addition to the above power plant, such as photovoltaic power generation, methane power generation, and the effective use of waste heat. In introducing this binary power plant, SANKO utilized a fiscal 2019 subsidy* designed to offset the cost of measures to control carbon dioxide emissions.
*(Program to promote the development of a low-carbon social system through the efficient use of unused resources such as waste heat and spring water).
GPSS's philosophy is to realize a truly sustainable society through pursuing businesses related to sustainable energy generation that utilize local resources in Japan. GPSS aims to achieve ‘Grid Parity’, where the cost of sustainable electricity generation is less than those by tradition generation methods.
Both SANKO and GPSS look beyond the introduction of this binary power plant and continue to contribute to the field of sustainable energy.
■ Stakeholder Overview
(1) SANKO Co., Ltd.
Company Name: SANKO Co., Ltd.
Representative: Miwa Masaki
Established In: September, 1979
Capital: 48 million yen
Head Office: 5-17 Showa-cho, Sakaiminato-shi, Tottori 684-0034 Japan
Businesses: Comprehensive environmental business, which conducts one-stop collection, transportation, and intermediate treatment of waste
Website: https://sankokk-net.co.jp/
(2) GPSS Engineering Inc.
Company Name: GPSS Engineering Inc.
Representative : CEO Phillip Richards
Established In: October, 2012
Capital of : 100 million Yen
Head Office: Shibakoen ND Building 6F, 2-5-10 Shiba, Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-0014 Japan
Businesses: EPC, O&M and the development of sustainable energy technology
Website: https://gpsseng.com/home/en/
■ Inquiries regarding this release
(1) SANKO Co., Ltd.
Email : etcmail@sankokk-net.co.jp
TEL : 0859-44-5367
(2) GPSS Public Relations Office
Email : pr@gpss.jp
TEL : 03-6435-2391